Human Rights (Dr. Ambedkar Law College University)


The heinous crimes, gruesome murders and brutal tortures during the Second World War have influenced the global nations to resolve firmly that the people all over the world must be guaranteed with the minimum human rights and fundamental freedoms for dignified living, protection to life and freedom.

Author : Jaganathan P | Usha J | Arjun JP | Kavitha A
SKU : UJLS_0085
Edition : 1
Type : Book
Language : English
University : Dr. Ambedkar Government Law College

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The heinous crimes, gruesome murders and brutal tortures during the Second World War have influenced the global nations to resolve firmly that the people all over the world must be guaranteed with the minimum human rights and fundamental freedoms for dignified living, protection to life and freedom from violence etc.

The ‘United Nations Charter’ declared the Human Rights as a matter of international concern, and the United Nations Organization and its Agencies have been striving hard to preserve and promote Human Rights.

As a matter of fact, every Nation has incorporated Human Rights in their Constitutions, as envisaged in the United Nations Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenants on Human Rights, and have consciously been taking steps to protect and promote them through their domestic laws. Twentieth century is thus an era of ‘Dawn of Human Rights’. The study and research in Human Rights has been a growing field.

Twentieth century is thus an era of ‘Dawn of Human Rights’. The study and research in Human Rights has been a growing field.

Knowledge about Human Rights has become absolutely necessary. It is a bounden right and duty for every human being to know about Human Rights and spread the knowledge of human rights to all fellow human beings. The role of World Health Organisation and the International Human Rights Organisations have become more important, after the wide spread pandemic outbreak of Covid 19 virus. Courts have also been playing a very significant role in protecting and promoting human rights especially in the areas of custodial death, custodial violance, child and women protection and other similar areas.


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