Land Law


Land laws have now become an important branch of study, as most of the civil cases pertain to land laws only.

Author : Jaganathan P | Usha J | Arjun JP | Kavitha A
SKU : UJLS_0084
Edition : 1
Type : Book
Language : English
University : Karnataka State Law University

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Land laws have now become an important branch of study, as most of the civil cases pertain to land laws only.

There are two recent enactments namely – “The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013” and “The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016” [RERA], which have now come into force.

The compensation payable to land owners under the above Land Acquisition Act, 2013 has become not only rational, but also it takes into consideration the rehabilitation and resettlement aspects of landless persons from whom the lands have been acquired.

Similarly, the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 now helps the buyers of plots and flats from fraud, delay etc., practised by the sellers/builders of such plots and flats respectively. Thus these two enactments have become very beneficial to land owners and plot and flat buyers.

Further, the Karnataka Land Reforms Act, 1961 and the Karnataka Land Revenue Act, 1964 have brought immense changes in the land reforms proceedings and also in the collection of revenue from the land owners.

Any advocate practising on the civil side, especially in revenue matters, is expected to be fully conversant with the above four enactments.

The subject “Land Laws” has now been included as an optional subject in VI Semester/X Semester of 3 year/ 5 year LLB Courses respectively. Since the subject involves many enactments, we have taken maximum care to present the subject matter in a simple language easily understandable to student. At the same time, we have ensured that the subject matter meets all their examination requirements.


Short Notes

Sample Chapter