Transfer of Property Act


Transfer of Property is one of the most important and difficult subjects of study in LLB Course. A thorough and proper understanding of this subject is necessary for not only passing the examination creditably but also for becoming a successful Lawyer at a later stage.

Author : Jaganathan P | Usha J | Arjun JP | Kavitha A
SKU : UJLS_0077
Edition : 1
Type : Book
Language : Tamil
University : Karnataka State Law University

Index | Short Notes | Sample Chapter | Questions | Request Call Back

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Transfer of Property is one of the most important and difficult subjects of study in LLB Course. A thorough and proper understanding of this subject is necessary for not only passing the examination creditably but also for becoming a successful Lawyer at a later stage. Most of the cases pending before the Courts pertain to the Transfer of Property Act and hence a thorough insight and study of the subject are very much essential.

Bearing this aspect in mind, we have taken extreme care to present the subject matter clearly, lucidly and in a simple and understandable language.We have also worked out previous year university question problems separately as volume – II to know the practical applications of the provisions of the Act. In addition to covering the entire University Syllabus, we have also given answers to the previous year University Questions, which will be extremely useful for your exam preparation.

In addition, we have given a separate subject index for short notes and solved problems for all the three Acts namely, the Transfer of Property Act 1882, the Indian Easements Act 1882, and the Indian Trusts Act, 1882.We hope that this book will be immensely useful to all law students who prepare for any examination in Transfer of Property Law and also for the Advocates who practice on the civil side.


Short Notes

Sample Chapter